
This website will offer the reader the lesser known or practically unknown characters, events, battles and circumstances that made up the greatest armed conflict in human history, WWII.

16 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Dick, as a world War II history buff, I commend you on your new website. I know it will be of great interest to anyone who has even the slightest curiosity in this important segment of our history. Well done and good luck!

  2. If you’re a World War 11 history buff, or even vaguely interested, especially in the Euopean theater, you need to read Black Ops, volume 1, and/or Black Ops, volume 2. The war itself has been documented and written in great detail. The part that is much less known is the great sacrifices of the secret agents of US, British, and French decent who were dropped on beaches, or parachuted into France to work with brave members of the French resistance. The sacrifices of these people are at times difficult to comprehend, except for their willingness to give their lives for their country. These are truly heart-wrenching stories!

  3. Excellent website, Dick. Suppose you and Seattle Jerry watch “Foyle’s War” on Sundays, PBS at 8 pm PST. One of the episodes – in part, has to do with a brave British fisherman and his son crossing to the coast of Normandy in their trawler on June 6, 1944 to transport the wounded back to England…….
    FYI: Howard Nadler, our neighbor in Paso Robles, CA during my childhood, was one of the guys who raised the flag on Iwo Jima – both the first, real raising and the second one staged for publicity and memorialized in photographs and engravings. Crazy stunt to do under intense fire. Some of those men didn’t survive beyond the photograph.

    Remember me? Los Vagabundos trips to Copper Canyon and Jalpan plus some good laughs over a glass of wine.

    Where are you now?

  4. Thanks for including me in the mailing of the new website. My dad, uncles and many relatives were part of that conflict. I never understood the severity until I read Tom Brokaw’s books. Now I’m a follower of articles and books on WWII. Look forward to your posts.

    • Thanks, MK! I don’t know much except that it was attacked by Japanese aircraft during the Battle of Midway and sunk.

      I have a new book coming out next month about the Marines in the Pacific during the war. Give me your email and I’ll give you a heads up.


  5. WOW!!!!!!….Way to go, Richard!….(as I knew you back in high school)… I haven’t had an opportunity to see and/or read your book yet. I’ll look for the book in a bookstore when I get to a town that’s big enough to have a bookstore(we’re about 20 miles from Manchester) We’re still getting adjusted to our move and new home here in New Boston, New Hampshire(we moved in June of last year). Remember, we were in that townhouse in Oakton, Va….but now we’re in a 4 BR house w/a full basement(my wood-working “play room”) on a nearly 2 acre lot. I’m looking forward to reading your book. My regards & love to you and family. Let me know if u ever get anywhere up in New England. My email is still the same, as is my cell ph #. Take care.
    Alex Watson, 58 Ridgeview Lane, New Boston, NH 03070

  6. Dick,

    I look forward to the read, my father and uncle were both in the Pacific theater, dad was in the Navy, my uncle Army. Both were wounded and somewhat reluctant to talk of of their ordeals. But some of the stories relayed mostly from my mother made me understand they went through some really rough times in their service.

    I truly believe that Tom Brokaw was right about them and their service to their country making them the greatest generation.

    Best regards,

    Bob Melton

  7. Hi Richard:
    Just bought your latest book about the Marines. Haven’t started reading it yet as I am reading one called “The Lone Survivor” (not one of yours, sorry!) How was the 75th Birthday Reunion? Sorry I had to miss it but other obligations came first. I hope you raised one for me. My very best to you and you lovely bride. Stay well.

  8. At one point l wanted to be a high school history teacher but I,m way below your pay grade. Teaching and writing history may have been your natural calling. Just leave politics out of it (private joke).

    Very nice web site


  9. While I was serving in the Air Force on Guam in the early sixties a Japanese soldier was flushed out of a series of island caves, it was extremely difficult to convince him the war was over and his country had lost. Understandably hard to beat that kind of fanatical dedication…it looks like we’ll have to do it again.

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